Honoring Jan Monk Previous SIROW Director


We mourn the recent death of Dr. Jan Monk. Please join SIROW in honoring and celebrating Dr. Jan Monk, feminist geographer extraordinaire. As a feminist geographer, Dr. Monk wrote about issues related to the history of women in geography, on comparative international perspectives, on landscape, and on geographic education. Dr. Monk was a wonderful person, passionate about supporting women and communities that have been historically marginalized. She was instrumental in the growth and success of SIROW and SIROW’s Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) program. Dr. Monk joined SIROW as Associate Director in 1980 and led SIROW as Executive Director from 1983 - 2004. The world is a better place because of Dr. Monk. I encourage you to read (or reread) Dr. Monk’s articles, book chapters, and books to enjoy her rich legacy of scholarship. 
Learn more: https://sirow.arizona.edu/person/janice-monk; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janice_Monk