Research-Informed Program Design & Implementation

Our researchers have unique expertise and decades of experience executing, applying, and translating research for social change. 

Much of this expertise and experience is related to research-informed design and implementation of socio-psychological and structural prevention/intervention programs implemented in the community in collaboration with community-supportive entities. 

We engage with our partners in research to:

  • Identify community needs related to, for example, group-based disparities in education, employment, housing security, access to healthcare, and health-related outcomes
  • Identify the populations disproportionately impacted by these disparities
  • Identify the social, contextual, structural, and individual factors that influence or are correlated to these disparities
  • Identify potential solutions to lessen these disparities
  • Inform the design and implementation of programs and other potential strategies to lessen these disparities
  • Evaluate and improve programs and other attempted strategies designed to lessen these disparities

An Example of Program Design and Implementation

We have developed multiple versions of our research-informed sexual and relationship health curriculum-based, multicomponent intervention tailored to different specific populations. 

Our researchers have partnered with numerous community-supportive entities to provide this tailored intervention to numerous populations who historically have been underserved or are at increased risk for HIV, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), viral hepatitis, and dating/relationship abuse. These populations include, for example, youth, women, individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, and people who have substance use issues. 

Multiple studies have indicated the effectiveness of this intervention in increasing knowledge and behavioral skills related to the prevention of HIV, STIs, viral hepatitis, and relationship abuse. 

Studies have also indicated the effectiveness of this intervention in increasing the engagement in safer sex behaviors, such as increased use of barrier methods of sexual protection and increased engagement in HIV, STI and viral hepatitis testing and treatment. 

See the Bridges to Wellness project on the Sexual Health research page to learn more about this work. For more information about our sexual and relationship health intervention, please contact SIROW’s Associate Director Claudia Powell at

Visit our Research & Practice page to learn more about our community-focused collaborative research-informed program design and implementation work.

Please contact Josephine Korchmaros, SIROW Director, at, if you are interested in learning more about research-informed program design and implementation or collaborating with SIROW.