
We offer consultation in multiple areas related to the execution, application, and translation of research for social change. 

Our Unique Expertise

We offer accessible and affordable consultation to community-based agencies and other community-supportive entities, including departments and other units within institutes of higher education. Our expertise includes:

  • Research methodology
  • Program design, implementation, and program evaluation
  • Collaborative partnerships to increase community capacity, infrastructure, and advocacy
  • Training, technical assistance, and workforce development
  • Grant writing

Our Approach

Our approach to consultation is guided by our values of respect, collaboration, strength-based approaches, appreciation of variety, valuing of numerous sources of expertise including lived experience, investment in community, and passion for a more equitable world.

We are professional, knowledgeable, and trustworthy engaging in respectful collaboration. We maintain a strong national reputation with a substantial breadth and depth of work, knowledge, and expertise that supports work and collaboration across many different professional sectors and academic disciplines. Our researchers are knowledgeable, helpful, articulate, dedicated, efficient, and creative. 

These qualities enable organizations and programs to work closely with us to collect data, reach their goals and sustain programs in the community. A community partner said, “The data collected is very usable and practical, grounded in the programs, helps us get better.” 

Another community partner said, “In terms of dollars for social welfare and programs, people today want evidence-based programs. No longer can you say anecdotal information. If you want your program to do well, if you want to apply for grants, you must show the data behind it. SIROW provides this and it’s a big value to the overall community.” 

Yet another community partner said that “the data collected guides our practices and helps us demonstrate outcomes.” 

We provide quality research and evaluation services, and many times publish national articles that bring attention to local programs.

Grant Writing

In addition, our researchers are effective grant writers. We are one of the largest grant-getting units in the University of Arizona’s College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. 

We generate grant proposals that support the community by helping community-based organizations obtain grant funding to support their work addressing community needs, such as group-based disparities in access to healthcare. 

Our grant-funded work builds on itself: get a grant to implement projects and do the research and then use the research to justify the next grant and project. As a result, commonly, our collaborative partnerships are often sustained long-term. 

Please contact Josephine Korchmaros, SIROW Director, at, if you are interested in consulting with SIROW.