Corrie Brinley

Assistant Research Social Scientist
she, her, hers

Corrie Brinley, MSW has been practicing community-based participatory action research and program evaluation with people and communities affected by health and social disparities with SIROW since 2005. Ms. Brinley has held numerous positions at SIROW, including Health Educator, Program Coordinator, and Evaluator, which have provided her both micro and macro perspectives of the field. Ms. Brinley's specific expertise are in the area of culturally responsive, gender specific community based participatory research and program evaluation. She has a particular interest in improving systems and policies that negatively affect access to quality services for women involved in the criminal justice system and living in unstable housing through social justice research, evidence-based practices and community-based strategies.

As an Assistant Research Social Scientist with SIROW, Ms. Brinley has contributed to a variety of community-based participatory action research projects that support and promote the health of individuals, families, and communities experiencing poverty, homelessness, violence, incarceration, discrimination, substance use and other mental health challenges.

Ms. Brinley’s experience includes group facilitation, training, developing curricula and materials, and designing and implementing projects in the following areas:

  • Program management, program coordination and program evaluation
  • Data management and data coordination
  • Community collaborations and systems change
  • Women’s health and recovery; particularly substance involved women 
  • Sexual health education
  • Mental health; particularly historical trauma, PTSD and postpartum depression
  • Intergenerational family engagement and assessment


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